Every Marvel Studios Movie, Ranked By CinemaBlend Readers

Every Marvel Studios Movie, Ranked By CinemaBlend Readers

Earlier this month we took on a not-so-minor endeavor. Wanting to determine the true rankings of all of the movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, we not only polled the entire CinemaBlend staff asking them to order the films from best to worst, but we then had all of you lovely readers take on the same task. We released a survey on our site, promoted it on our HeroBlend podcast, and nearly a thousand of you did us the favor of responding which has led us to this moment.

We have tabulated the results of your submissions, and by taking a weighted average of all your responses we have put together this special ranking of every movie released by Marvel Studios so far. We have a special breakdown of both the bottom five and the top five featured in our latest episode of HeroBlend, which you can listen to right here:

But to get into the full list, keep on reading!

The Bottom Five22. The Incredible Hulk21. Thor: The Dark World20. Iron Man 219. Thor18. Iron Man 3

We were a bit surprised to see Kenneth Branaghs Thor wind up on this portion of this list (the CinemaBlend staff had it at #16), but really the rest of this didnt end up being shocking at all given that the four other titles all had the exact same rankings on our staff list. Louis Leterrier's The Incredible Hulk is just kind of a muddled mess; Alan Taylor's Thor: The Dark World features what is unquestionably the weakest villain plot in all of the Marvel titles released thus far; Jon Favreau's Iron Man 2 notably just has too much going on; and not everyone really loved the big Mandarin twist in Shane Black's Iron Man 3 (or the fact that its much more of a Tony Stark movie than it is an Iron Man movie).

Whats particularly interesting about this grouping, though, is that all of the titles come from Marvel Studios first five years producing movies a.k.a. the period when the company was still figuring out the kinks of a cohesive, multi-tiered franchise that didnt include major characters like Spider-Man and the X-Men. Obviously that era also delivered us the first Iron Man as well as The Avengers, but still theres nobody out there who would argue that the brand hasnt come a long way since 2013.

The Middle Of The Pack17. Captain Marvel16. Ant-Man and Wasp15. Ant-Man14. Captain America: The First Avenger13. Avengers: Age Of Ultron12. Doctor Strange11. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

The middle of our CinemaBlend reader rankings is populated entirely by two kinds of Marvel Studios releases: origin stories and first sequels. Within the former category, fans apparently dont put Scott Derricksons Doctor Strange, Joe Johnstons Captain America: The First Avenger, Peyton Reeds Ant-Man, or Anna Boden and Ryan Flecks Captain Marvel as high on the shelf as some of the other Marvel releases of their ilk (which well get to in a second), but there is definitely appreciation for what they contribute to the universe. The CinemaBlend staff shows the first Captain America movie a bit more love than readers, as we put it at #11 on our averaged list, but mostly we seem to be in sync in this realm.

As for the first sequels, its interesting that most of them wound up ranking below their series predecessors on this list, with the lone exception being Captain America: The Winter Soldier. In many cases it can be hard for filmmakers to follow-up their own work, particularly when the first movie earned a lot of love and raised expectations. Its an interesting pattern to recognize when you realize that the upcoming Phase Four of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is expected to include Black Panther 2, Captain Marvel 2, and Doctor Strange 2 not to mention the fact that the next Marvel release is set to be the Spider-Man: Homecoming sequel Spider-Man: Far From Home.

The Top Ten10. Spider-Man: Homecoming9. Black Panther8. Iron Man7. Guardians of the Galaxy6. The Avengers5. Thor: Ragnarok4. Captain America: Civil War3. Captain America: The Winter Soldier2. Avengers: Infinity War1. Avengers: Endgame

If anyone out there is looking for evidence of fan appreciation for the contributions that Joe and Anthony Russo have made to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, you need look no further than the results of our survey. All four movies that the brothers have directed for the franchise landed in the top spots here, with the most gratitude being expressed towards the absolutely massive Avengers blockbusters that were released in the last two years. It was clearly a ridiculously huge endeavor to take on, but the best word to describe the results of the execution is beloved.

All of you also showed a tremendous amount of love for Taika Waititis Thor: Ragnarok which has a ranking that arrives in sharp relief compared to its predecessors in the God of Thunder series and even after 11 years people are still showing Jon Favreaus Iron Man the respect it deserves. Clearly there is also a lot of love for the more modern franchise-starters, with Jon Watts Spider-Man: Homecoming, Ryan Cooglers Black Panther and James Gunns Guardians of the Galaxy all earning spots on the Top 10, and all of us will certainly never forget the game changer that was Joss Whedons The Avengers.

How did these final results wind up comparing with your own submissions to our survey? Is there any film that you personally love and now feel is totally underrated? Do you think there is any movie in the franchise that gets way more praise than it actually deserves? Hit the comments section below, and tell us what you think of this vox populi ranking - and, as always, be sure to stay tuned here on CinemaBlend for all of the latest news, updates, features, and reviews of Marvel Cinematic Universe releases!

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The LEGO Movie 2 Considered Taking The Action To A LEGO Convention

The LEGO Movie 2 Considered Taking The Action To A LEGO Convention

Chris Pratt's ascension into a bonafide movie star happened due to his role in a trio of franchises: Guardians of the Galaxy, Jurassic World, and The Lego Movie. The latter was a massive hit when it arrived in 2014, and helped to spawn a number of spinoffs. But the main franchise is getting its first sequel with The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part, bringing back the motley crew of minifigure characters, and introducing a few newcomers in the process.

The Lego Movie 2 has a ton of pressure to deliver for the generations of fans, especially after the heartwarming ending of the first film. Directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller were tasked with crafting a follow-up, and recently told CinemaBlend's Eric Eisenberg some of the ideas that got scrapped on the way to theaters-- including a sequence set in a Lego convention. As Lord told it,

We started with this idea of, lets try to tell a story from the brothers point of view, and the sisters point of view at the same time. And see what its like when their two imaginations happen to come together. That was sort of the basic thing. There were other thoughts in there, there was a whole set piece at a Lego convention. But ultimately it really felt like the story needed to take place in their home. And that the stairs between the basement and the sisters room was like the main arena for them to play in. It got a bit big. And it lost the focus on this brother and sister dynamic that seemed to be the heart of the movie.

While putting Emmet, Lucy, and Lego Batman smack dab in the middle of a convention seems like the makings of an excellent action sequence with plenty of comedic opportunities, Phil Lord and Chris Miller ultimately decided to make the Lego Movie 2 a more capsulated story. Like the first movie, it's set in a regular household which happens to contain a massive collection of Legos.

From the trailers The Lego Movie 2: The Second One is taking quite a bit of inspiration from Mad Max, showing what happened to Bricksburg after the Duplo invasion from the first film. The upcoming animated blockbuster will once again be poking fun at itself, including a new character that is an amalgamation of Chris Pratt's myriad roles.

You can check out Eric Eisenberg's conversation with Chris Miller and Phil Lord below.

It looks like the directors of The Lego Movie 2 took special care with what they included in the upcoming sequel. And as such, some ideas had to be left behind so the story could be more purposeful.

Audiences will get to judge for themselves when The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part arrives in theaters on February 8th, 2019. In the meantime, check out our 2019 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

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